TCPMP is a media player that I have had limited success with on my T-mobile Shadow.
Mike over at has a great walkthrough on how to install it along with the Skunkworks flash video bundle that is needed to play flv files common on youtube and other video sites.
I would be interested in any feedback on the tcpmp player as I have never been completly satisfied with its results.
Get the player here.
Get the flash video bundle here.
Let me know what you think.
Pass the word on about shadow files to your friends!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Kepp This Site Alive!
We are accepting Paypal donations to expand this site.
So please make a $5.00 donation to keep us up and running!!
Streaming Radio and video for shadow.
All the links here work on the T-mobile Shadow without the addtion of any extra software.
There are dozens of radio and tv stations of all kinds.
Check it out and pass the word on.
App Unlocker
App unlocker is a program that allows you to run any compatible file on your tmobile shadow. By default t-mobile blocks permissions for some programs resulting in a file error message when trying to open the program.
App unlocker and some other good smartphone software can be found at
Check it out and pass it on.
Allshadow is probably the best place to get information on the shadow and what is can do.
The reason I set this blog up is that many of the files needed for the shadow can only be found through an exhaustive search and not every file is listed on all
Purpose of this blog
This Blog is a collection of links and files for the t-mobile Shadow (HTC Juno) Smartphone.
The files and links below should work on other smart phones but have not been tested on those phones.